Nigel Bailey

Nigel Bailey

Sydney is aided both in the class and out in the field by her Teaching Assistant, NIGEL BAILEY, a twenty-something, slightly stammering, not particularly adventurous Brit. Raised in upper-middle class England, Nigel is proper, yet lovable, attractive and a "weekend worrier" to Sydney's "weekend warrior" - the kind of boyish man most women naturally want to mother. On their adventures, they often embody the ultimate role reversal - she's the guy, he's the chick.

Nigel accompanies her on most missions. But when on assignment with her, he is often times hopelessly out of his element, complicating the mission and putting himself and sometimes them both in danger. NIgel is decidedly not a fool, but rather, his upbringing and different cultural experience provide amusing contrast to some of the situations he becomes involved in.

Although they enjoy a friendship, it's clear Sydney is Nigel's boss, older and more knowledgeable than he is. That said, her style is more intuitive to his logic - she's more likely to go with a strong gut feeling even though the facts might suggest otherwise.